Who's Wiser
Wiser was created and developed in Phoenix, Arizona by graphic designer Marc Arvallo. Wiser is a Design company whose motive is to inspire other’s through design and to share an artistic voice; inspiring the artist in all of us. A design company that loves the community and local artists! That is why Marc Arvallo collaborates with artists who enjoy their craft and want to help influence others to do the same. Art is not alone graphic design--- that is why Wiser lays the foundation for others to be inspired by many aspects of art. From music to culinary, art touches our everyday lives; whether we embrace it or not. Wiser does not only embrace the arts but has become a voice to the community, "to pursue what you are passionate about and inspire others to do the same." As a small company, Wiser knows it cannot change and inspire every mind to become their ‘wiser selves’, but rather has chosen to be a source to community and hearts, for all those who do choose to live, inspire and be their wiser selves.